Farm to Table
Emily Burkholder, Cara DeFoor, and Katie Runde share their appreciation of Vermont's rich rural heritage in their Farm to Table exhibit.
Opening Reception: April 28 | 5:30-7:30pm
Exhibit Dates: April 28 to May 20, 2023.

Emily Burkholder, Barnard, Vermont
From the time Emily was a child she has always been fascinated with art. She would draw, color and paint along with the infamous Bob Ross on PBS. Today, she focuses her efforts creating in watercolors and oils. She has found that living in Vermont has had a large impact on her subject matter. She finds inspiration in Vermont's landscapes, country roads, animals, and farms in every season.

Katie Runde, Middlebury, Vermont
Katie Runde’s art straddles several disciplines and draws from a wide range of expertise. She was raised among medievalists, has been drawing as long as she was able to hold a crayon, playing saxophone since age eight, and theologizing since that day somewhere around age eleven when Mass stopped making neat story sense.
Where so much of the adventure of contemporary art comes down to exploring new media, Runde takes her wild paradigm of spirituality, scholarship, and even some improvisation and tonal colors into the traditional medium and techniques of classical oil painting to wrap it all together into something completely new, integrative, and deeply human.

Cara DeFoor, Pomfret, Vermont
Cara is a studio potter who makes wheel-thrown pottery for many different uses. She has loved using different clay bodies to develop techniques for different firing atmospheres - wood, gas reduction, Raku, and salt. She has continued to develop her craft while creating a new body of work. Lately, she has mostly been throwing with porcelain, and firing in an electric kiln for a stable and reliable oxidized atmosphere.

Gallery hours: 10am to 6pm from Tuesday to Saturday
Cara DeFoor
Breakfast Set - settings for 6 available
stoneware/porcelain mix
$140/place setting in multiples of two